Pacifica Admits Federal Law Was Violated on WBAI; Consent Decree with FCC
Pacifica admits federallaw was violated on WBAI in consent decree with FCC
Pacifica admits federallaw was violated on WBAI in consent decree with FCC
Pacifica Safety Net filed a petition to deny with the FCC requesting an investigation of New York’s WBAI-FM for potential ongoing FCC violations involving: self-inurement, underwriting, public file omissions, sponsorship ID regulations, and potential pay for play or plugola.
PACIFICA BOARD SHOWS ITS TRUE COLORS: NO RESPECT FOR DEMOCRACY, LAW OR THE COURTS The Pacifica Foundation Board lost yet again on July 14 when a CA Appellate Court dismissed their recent move to disqualify plaintiff’s counsel in L.A. Superior Court. In a pattern of bad behavior, Pacifica has consistently tried to delay the civil …
Bad News: Member Bylaws Election Stolen, Good News: Another Win in Court Read More »
The dysfunctional and financially-conflicted Pacifica board (PNB) has publicly announced that it’s about to sell KPFT’s building. This is the building that has been the home for KPFT’s studios and offices for over 40 years. Though the building is an old house, not appearing to be worth much itself, it’s a mile from downtown Houston …
This article was originally published on CounterPunch, “Tells the Facts and Names the Names” – check them out! by Zack Kaldveer – Sherry Gendelman “We are in a battle for the heart and soul of Pacifica…At stake is whether Pacifica represents the highest standards of journalistic integrity, or a mix of snake oil quackery and …
To read or download the entire third amended complaint that was submitted to the Los Angeles Superior Court on May 17, see this link:
Journalist Ian Masters, host of the show “Background Briefing” heard on KPFK Los Angeles since 1980, writes a thought-provoking essay about failures of Pacifica’s governance and some of their effects on KPFK.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael L. Stern ruled on multiple motions by Defendants in a legal complaint against two longtime Pacifica Radio Foundation Board of Directors for alleged misfeasance and malfeasance, gross negligence, unlawful conduct, and financial mismanagement. Besides ruling against those board members, Judge Stern also said the plaintiffs may amend their complaint to include more specifics that he would like to see.
An amended legal complaint was filed in Court that adds additional factual accusations against two members of the Pacifica Radio Foundation Board of Directors for alleged misfeasance and malfeasance, gross negligence, unlawful conduct, and financial mismanagement. The complaint – filed by Pacifica supporters, listeners, and one of Pacifica’s Board Directors – includes damning records, internal communications, audio recordings, independent audits, and California Attorney General warnings.
Pacifica’s Polk Award recipient and retired National Affairs Correspondent Larry Bensky and UC Santa Cruz Journalism Program Chair and former KPFA Board chair Conn Hallinan’s call to action op-ed to save Pacifica Radio on